To give you a better idea of my current status I have downloaded a small syllabus from the SFA-website and plotted myself on it.

In the mean time we had to choose the aircraft for our ACPP (Airline Career Preparation Program) as well. We could pick the 737CL, 737NG or the A320. As for me, I have decided to go for the A320. Both aircraft (B737/A320) have their own advantages and they are both very beautiful aircraft, so it was quite a difficult choice to make. Anyway, if I afterwards would have the opportunity to fly the B737 I'd be very happy as well, any aircraft would be fine!

I'll provide some home-made pictures for you guys as well, since I did my first real crosscountry flight. Today I have done my first flight on instruments, which was quite different from the instrument flying in the simulator. As for tomorrow I am planned twice. One solo flight and one dualflight.
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