Yes, 2 weeks have passed here in Arizona! As said before, our 1st week was completely filled with VFR-briefings. In Belgium we have had some simulatorsessions (and briefings) already so those briefings were a good revision for all of us. In that same week, we had a long weekend (3days off) so we had a lot of time to study all of our flows, V-speeds, patterns, ...
Finally the time had come to do our first flight, in the second week. It was 2:30am when my wake-up call woke me up. After a little shower, I could start to do the flightpreparation on my laptop. Around 5:30 we were airborne! In the first flight we did some normal turns, straight&level flight, ..
Up to now, I have done 4 flights. On the 3rd flight I was suffering a lot from motionsickness, and the sick bag got used for the 1st time! :-) I think it might be because of the 'unusual attitudes' exercise. I had to close my eyes while the instructor brought the aircraft into an unusual attitude. Upon opening my eyes, I had to regain control of the aircraft. The 4th flight then was the flight I enjoyed the most up to now. I had a lot of sleep the night before and felt really good. For the first time I had the feeling that I had control of the aircraft, instead of the aircraft having control of me. Afterwards my instructor was a bit surprised when he figured out that I didn't have any real flightexperience before (except 6hrs of gliding), so I was a bit proud about that! He let me land as from the second mission, which is something I like a lot. He gives great explanations when he does a demo and is always very friendly. In short, I am happy to have an instructor like this!
For the moment we have a long weekend again (3days) so we can relax a bit at the pool, watch some fireworks at Tempe, and all these things. I took the time to read a great part of the VFR-manual as well, looked up some more tips on the internet, and tomorrow I'll revise my flows again, because 3 days off is a lot in the first weeks of flying. In fact I'd prefer to have only one day off for the moment!
In the mean time we have spent some time in an aviation museum as well.
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